Lake Mapping Assists in Successful Lake Management

Successful lake management requires an understanding of composition, depth and volume of your lake.  Greg Grimes, President of Aquatic  Environmental  Services, Inc (Ball Ground, Georgia), had a client request an updated lake map to note current depths and mark sediment depths.  Information gathered during the lake mapping process helped Mr. Grimes’ client better comprehend the level of sedimentation building up over time in this fishing lake.  The resulting map provided the baseline depth profile needed for long-term sedimentation monitoring.  Plus, the property owners had several large format wall maps printed to show friends and family where to catch the big ones!
More information on Aquatic Environmental Services, Inc visit their website:

Bathymetric Lake Map
Bathymetric Lake Map: 3D Color-shaded depths and contour map with locations of sediment measurements

The Mapping Network:
A Nationwide Network of GPS Mapping Professionals