Bathymetric Studies: The Tools You Need to Help Budget for Lake and Pond Dredging

(Source: Solitude Lake Management Newsletter. Did you know that a lake or pond, left to nature, has a distinct lifespan? Sediment in stormwater runoff, grass clippings, leaves, and other yard debris that find their way into the lake or pond add nutrients and accumulate on the bottom. This accumulation of nutrient rich sediment will gradually reduce the depth and volume of the pond while also feeding harmful algae growth. As owners and managers of ponds,…

How does GPS Accuracy affect Lake Mapping Results?

When thinking about mapping a lake, it’s good to have a basic background of how the different methods of GPS can affect the quality of your data and ultimately the accuracy of your map.  Staff at The Mapping Network have been using GPS technology to map lakes since the 1990’s and we want to quickly cover some basics about the primary GPS collection methods available today.  It is important to understand how each type of…