Bathymetry and Sediment Mapping in New Jersey

The Mapping Network was contacted by Solitude Lake Management to perform a bathymetric and sediment evaluation of a specific pond. This evaluation will then be used for Dredging of the area. We converted their Trimble SSF file of bathymetric data over to GIS data to then be used for mapping. Our Geospatial Analyst then produced three visuals: 3D Bathymetry Map, Contour Bathymetry Map, and a Sediment Thickness Map. These will provide the Technicians in the…

Hydrographic Survey of Missouri River for Gas Pipeline

The Mapping Network and Engineering firm team up to map the bottom of the Missouri River The Mapping Network was on the Missouri River performing a hydrographic survey on a portion of the river where a new gas pipeline would be crossing.  The pipeline is buried  below the river bottom and knowing the existing bottom of the Missouri River is crucial to engineers placing the pipeline correctly. The survey team was able to finish the…