Lake Mapping Partner Spotlight: Aquatechnex

Aquatechnex is a fully integrated lake and aquatic plant management firm that operates primarily in the Western United States and Upper Midwest States.  The company is a recognized expert in the management of invasive aquatic species such as Eurasian Milfoil, Brazilian Elodea, Hydrilla and Water Hyacinth.  The mission of Aquatechnex is to provide solutions to insure the beneficial uses of their clients water bodies are protected.  GPS Bathymetry is a critical management tool for isolating areas of potential invasive vegetation growth.  Lake mapping projects by Aquatechnex have been completed in Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington.  Aquatechnex is a nationwide leader in the development and implementation of effective programs using integrated lake and aquatic plant management technologies.  They strive to be the best and be a company that lake groups will seek out for expertise.
Give Aquatechnex a call or visit their website to find out more information.
Terry McNabb
phone: (208) 338-8490

AQT Clr Logo1
Note:  A full list of certified members of The Mapping Network is found on the right-hand side of the blog under “Partners”

The Mapping Network:
A Nationwide Network of GPS Mapping Professionals

GPS Lake Map

GPS Bathymetric Lake Map