Coal Ash Pond Bathymetry and Dredge Survey

The Mapping Network performed a hydrographic and dredge survey for a power plant’s coal ash ponds. These can be difficult because of the composition of material.  With the combination our sonar, GPS, and years of experience with coal ash, we were able to give them an accurate estimate of ash volume.

High Resolution Topography and Bathymetry

The Mapping Network utilized sonar for collecting water depths and drone technology to collect elevation data surrounding the pond to create an accurate 3D model.  This model was used to calculate a water capacity chart and help meet a federal mandate. About The Mapping Network:  The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems, GPS Data Collection, Aerial Imagery, and Data Conversion.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping, topographic mapping,…

High Resolution Drone Aerials for Lake Mapping

Trent Lewis, owner of PondMedics, had a homeowners association with many homes constructed in the past couple years around their ponds.  The HOA needed to determine the current water depths along with sediment volume.   Since most aerial imagery services take a year or two (sometimes longer) to update, a majority of the newly constructed homes were not shown.   PondMedics flew the property with a specialized drone and The Mapping Network assisted in processing the data…