Virginia Lake Bathymetry Project

The Mapping Network and SŌLitude Lake Management® recently completed a lake mapping project for a homeowners association in Virginia. The client requested the creation of a detailed lake map for understanding true depths, volume analysis, and identify areas needed for dredging. SŌLitude Lake Management® staff measured sludge depth points in the field and marked them a GPS for placement on the map. The maps will be used to generate a lake management plan for water…

2010 Top Lake Mapping Award

The Mapping Network would like to congratulate SŌLitude Lake Management® (formerly Virginia Lake Management) for winning the 2010 Partner of the Year for the second year in a row. Kevin Tucker, President of SŌLitude Lake Management®, says “we are proud to have affiliated ourselves with such an incredibly talented group of aquatic professionals, and look forward to many more years of quality service to our clients utilizing the techniques that have been developed and implemented…

GPS Lake Bathymetry Maps Invasive Vegetation Growth Areas

GPS Lake Mapping Saves Time and Money by Accurately Locating Problem Areas It is critical to know the exact acreage and depth range of your lake to make sound management decisions in the battle against invasive aquatic vegetation.  Understanding exactly where to apply treatment not only saves time and money but more importantly provides a better opportunity to control aggressive, non-native  aquatic plant life.  Precision GPS lake mapping conducted by The Mapping Network utilizes highly…

Sediment Problems in Your Lake? Start With a Lake Map!

Save Significant Money on Dredging Projects with The Mapping Network! The Mapping Network recently completed a mapping project for a large-scale home owners association in Arkansas.  The large lake had 21 coves and several homeowners were having difficulties accessing their dock due to sedimentation.  Here were some of the questions the HOA management team had: – where is the highest sedimentation occurring? – how much fluffy sediment (in cubic yards) is in each cove? –…

GPS Lake Map Isolates Fishing Hot Spots

Possessing an accurate map of your lake is a great asset to your fishing success.  Greg Grimes with Aquatic Environmental Services, Inc., recently completed a GPS lake mapping project for a client in Georgia.  This is a master planned lake designed specifically for growing trophy large-mouth bass.  Extensive habitat structure, ridges, brush, feeders, etc were carefully placed during construction.  Once the lake was full the client had the lake mapped utilizing The Mapping Network’s lake…

Why GPS Lake Mapping? YouTube Video Explains Lake Bathymetry Benefits

Solitude Lake Management Company, a Lake Mapping Partner with The Mapping Network, offers the most technologically advanced lake mapping services available on the market, providing the most detailed and highest quality mapping products you can buy, for a very affordable price.   Click for examples of our lake mapping. Equipped with the very latest in GPS surface mapping, bathymetry, 3-D contour imaging, aerial and fly-over video resources and virtual underwater swim-view 3-D mapping, we are able…

GPS Lake Map Used to Create Dredging Plan

Bathymetric Lake Mapping was performed by Greg Grimes with Aquatic Environmental Services for a landowner in rural Georgia. The purpose of this project involved mapping the current lake depths and isolating areas for future dredging.  In order to avoid large costs and help the owner budget for sediment removal, Aquatic Environmental Services located the areas where the current depth was less than four feet, which will be the dredging zone.  The mapping techniques utilized in…

New Pond Design and Construction

New Pond Construction by Wade Bales, Quality Lakes, Inc. – Quality Lakes Inc. was contracted to design a pond for a client to use as a back-up fishing location for their guests on days the St. John’s River was too rough for a guided trip.  The challenge was meeting the permit requirements for maximum surface acreage and maximum storage capacity which limited the overall size of the pond.  By utilizing the lake design tools available through our…

How Does a GPS Lake Map Benefit Owners?

GPS Bathymetric Lake Mapping by The Mapping Network On the surface, a lake or pond seems serene and effortless to maintain, but under the surface is a complex, dynamic system requiring expert knowledge to produce a perfect balance.  To fully enjoy your lake or pond it is essential to know the facts.  Exact acreage, depths, and chemistry of your lake are critical factors for making the best management decisions.  Armed with this knowledge you will be…

California Bathymetry: Lake Map for County Park System

Terry McNabb,  President of Aquatechnex, with offices covering the west coast of the United States, had a client request an updated lake map to note current depths and mark sediment depths.  Information gathered during the lake mapping process helped county government officials better comprehend the amount of water in the reservoir and also isolated sedimentation problem areas.  The resulting map provided the baseline depth profile needed for long-term sedimentation monitoring.  The contour data has been…